JUDICIARY Latest Features

The Hon. Principle Judge Calls for Dialogue.

The Hon.\r\nPrinciple Judge, Hon. Justice Yorokamu Bamwine, challenged Judicial Officers to\r\nenhance the image of the Judiciary by holding open days in courts where they\r\nhave dialogue with the public, starting from Grade II Courts up to the Supreme\r\nCourt.


He said\r\nsuch open dialogue would help educate the general public about court procedures\r\nand processes and enable them access justice in a cost- effective manner, consequently\r\neliminating corruption in the Judiciary.


He said if\r\nthe long-standing bad image of the Judiciary is to be corrected, there must be\r\nserious input in timely delivery and transparent conduct of court.


The Hon. Principal\r\nJudge made the remarks while addressing residents in Kiruhura at a public\r\ndialogue at Kiruhura Magistrates’ Court on Friday November 22, 2013.

Posted 25th, November 2013
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